The POA will be making monthly blogs about important information that the community should be aware of. We are working hard to keep the community informed as much as possible and are excited with the positive changes that are among Canyon Park. Let your neighbors know of our site and let's get as many community members involved as possible.
Mid-Year Mailer
The mid-year mailer has gone out to all property owners. If you have not received your mid-year mailer, contact the POA Office so we can ensure a packet is sent to you immediately. The mid-year mailer packet included the following:
Opening letter
The "Canyon Park Insider" POA Newsletter. The newsletter is most likely the best newsletter the POA has published and contains a wealth of information. The newsletter is also located here.
A voting ballot. The ballot is for a vote of 3 items.
Yes or No for Chickens - the ballot outlines all the provisions
Yes or No for rate increase to new owners
Deed restriction violation fine structure.
A self-addressed stamped envelope
A statement, only if maintenance fees are not a zero balance for 2023.
Ensure to vote for each item, sign the back of the ballot, and return in the self-addressed envelope. ALL BALLOTS MUST BE RECEIVED BY AUGUST 1ST, 2023.
Holiday Closing
The POA Office will be closed Monday, July 3 and Tuesday July 4 for the observance of Independence Day.
POA Executive Meeting
The POA will hold an executive meeting Wenesday, July 5 at 6:00 pm in the clubhouse. This meeting is for preparations for the quarterly meeting scheduled later in the week.
POA Quarterly Meeting
The POA will hold the 2nd Quarterly Meeting Saturday, July 8 at 10:00 am in the clubhouse.