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April Notes - POA Board, Development, Sale & Snakes

April brings lots of exciting news for Canyon Park.

  1. We have new officers - click here to view the new POA Board Members

  2. We have had 5 dilatated homes torn down by the City of Onalaska

  3. We have had 4 more removed by the new owner of the property.

  4. There is 4 areas of new development of homes in the subdivision for a total of 34 homes being built into the subdivision

  5. We had a very successful trimming of trees in the subdivision. All tree branches over hanging in streets and easements were performed. Thank you to all the property owners for being understanding to the commissioned workers.

  6. Drainage issues are continuing to be corrected and rain water flows during storms much better.

  7. We are on course to having approximately 70 new property owners in the neighborhood by the end of April.

  8. The Canyon Park Community Garage Sale will be April 28, 29, and 30th. Good luck selling you wares, and good luck with finding that great treasure.

The POA would also like to provide a friendly reminder of the danger of snakes. This is our rainy season and with the easement maintenance, they seem to be out on a regular basis. Just within the past few days a rattle snake was killed and 2 coral snakes were killed - all in areas that are mowed and maintained. Not over-grown yards.

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