Followed by an Executive Meeting
The POA Annual Meeting will be held in the clubhouse Saturday, April 8, 2023 at 10 am. All Members are invited to attend and participate. Some of the agenda items are as follows:
City tear-downs - Did you know that the City of Onalaska has performed 5 tear-downs of abandoned homes from Canyon Park? Discussions on where and how it helps our subdivision.
New development - Did you know that we have over 10 new homes being built on properties in Canyon Park? Find out how many more the subdivision is expecting.
POA Board of Directors Voting - Did you know that voting was not necessary for the new board members during this calendar year? Discussions of why and introduction of our new board members.
Road Maintenance - Did you know Canyon Park Road Maintenance is repairing our drainage issues? Find out the road culverts that have been replaced and the ones targeted for replacement.
Financials - Did you know that Canyon Park has changed ownership of over 40 properties in the subdivision just in 2023? Find out how that helps Canyon Park Subdivision and other details regarding the finances.
Deed Restriction Voting - Did you know we will be having new Deed Restrictions? Come and hear the outcome of the voting.
Open Forum - Meeting will be open for discussions.
**Note: This agenda is not official and can change at anytime.
The Executive Meeting will follow immediately afterwards at approximately 10:45 am. Public is invited but cannot participate without request to placed on the agenda.